Get to Know Miss Powell
How long have you been a teacher?
I started teaching in California City, CA, in 1995. The next year I packed my car and moved to Las Vegas to teach. It's hard to believe I've been teaching for 29 years. Time has gone by so fast!
Which grades have you taught?
I have taught first, second, third, and fourth grades. I was also a Reading & Math Intervention Specialist for a year. 2024-2025 is my 16th year as a Gifted and Talented Education Specialist.
In addition to being a CCSD teacher, for the past 14 years I have been a part-time instructor for Nevada State University's School of Education. I teach literacy and social studies classes for pre-service teachers.
Where did you go to college?
I went to college at the University of Southern California and transferred to Cal State Northridge where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Child Development. I earned my teaching credential at Cal State Bakersfield and my Master of Education degree from Lesley University.
Since 2005 I have been a National Board Certified Teacher (Early Childhood Generalist). As a National Board Certified Teacher I am reflective and thoughtful about teaching. I am constantly trying to improve how I teach so I can help my students grow and develop to their fullest potential.
What do you like most about teaching GATE?
There are lots of things I like about being a GATE Specialist. These are the first three things that come to mind...
GATE kids keep me on my toes.
We do a lot of fun projects in GATE.
I get to work with some really, really, really awesome kids in my GATE program.
How can I contact you?
I teach at Thiriot Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV. My email is You can also send me a message with this form. If you don't have an email address, leave that line blank.